You’re invited to discover the wisdom of the Kingdom to carry the anointing to steward great wealth
Jason Verdera

Create Kingdom Wealth with our 3 fold online process
What you will learn about Gods Kingdom will be like no other. There are those who are chosen and entrusted to carry the anointing for great wealth and steward the Lords abundant resources.
Are you one of them?

Those who love to help others
Those who desire financial breakthrough
Stay at home moms/dads
Those who want to impact the world

Why God desires for you to have great wealth
The secret to increase favor in your life
How the Kingdom confounds the world to prevent the unqualified from obtaining wealth
How to make money your servant, and not your master
How to use our 3 fold formula to create Kingdom wealth online
How we can help catapult your journey to create wealth and take territory for the Kingdom

Profit from your social media
Find turn key franchises vs starting your own business
Learn the #1 skill for ordinary people to achieve great wealth
Utilize automation in your business to free your time and scale your growth
Join a Kingdom community of entrepreneurs who will support your growth in business

As a 15 year veteran in the Online Marketing and Direct Sales space Jason has won numerous awards and promotions in the industry.
His passion is for the Lord, financing good works for the Kingdom and helping others to do the same
An avid traveler, devoted husband and father of 3, Jason has built his business from his phone while traveling to over 35 countries with his family in tow. In his spare time he loves to be outdoors, hiking, boating, or just laying on a beach with his family.

We believe that God want’s to overwhelm you with blessings.
Now more than ever, are Kingdom professionals needed to create influence and impact in business and the marketplace.
Too many Christians today are living underwhelmed. Many are in the position of needing help rather than being in the position of overflow to help.
But it’s Gods desire for you to create wealth to establish His covenant.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things and at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:8
Right now is a unique time in history. Thanks to the internet, there has never been a better time for average people, with above average ambition to achieve above average wealth, freedom and impact than ever before.
Now is your turn to claim your inheritance from the limitless storehouse and resources of the Lord.
Now is your turn to be blessed so that you can be a blessing. And to be encouraged so that you can encourage.
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